Alps-Adriatic Scientific Award launched and presented for the first time

In order to encourage young scientists of the Alps-Adriatic region to conduct research that is of crucial importance to the region itself, the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) has proudly launched the Alps-Adriatic Scientific Award, with the first Call for Applications in November 2022. The prizes for outstanding master’s and diploma theses as well as dissertations…

Alps-Adriatic Scientific Award

First Call for Applications The Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) is very proud to announce the newly established Alps-Adriatic Scientific Award. Students, graduates and PhD graduates from institutions in the Alps-Adriatic region who have written a scientific thesis focusing on the Alps-Adriatic region’s issues are cordially invited to apply for the award within the framework of the…

University of Ljubljana supports students and staff from Ukraine

The University of Ljuljana works to provide support and help to students and staff from Ukraine. The Institution has already implemented certain measures and set up a website with information for students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff affected by the crisis in Ukraine. To reach the website, please go to: For further information or…

Conference “Reinventing Science Communication? Challenges for the post-truth era” – Call for Papers

The international conference »REINVENTING SCIENCE COMMUNICATION? CHALLENGES FOR THE POST-TRUTH ERA« organised by the University of Ljubljana, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana and Alternator, aims to bring together experts active in science communication research, practice, training or education. The international conference will be held  in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 13th and 14th of October 2022. Organisers…

Summer School Bovec 2022

The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce that this year’s general topic of the Bovec Summer School is “Deljeni spomin – kulture spominjanja/ Memoria (con)divisa – Culture della memoria / Memorie (con)dividude – Culturis de memorie/ Podijeljeno sjećanje – kulture sjećanja  – Geteilte Erinnerung – Erinnerungskulturen” Date: 17th-31th July, 2022 – Bovec, Slovenia The…

Call for Papers – International scientific conference “SMEPP2021”

The International University of Novi Pazar will be hosting the International scientific conference “SMEPP2021” under the topic “Opportunities and Perspectives of Small and Medium Enterprises during and after the COVID-19 pandemic” online on 27th March 2021.   For further information please refer to the Call for Papers and the Conference Website:

21st International Migration Conference – “Border Thinking” at University of Klagenfurt

The University of Klagenfurt will be hosting the 21st International Migration Conference under the topic “Border Thinking” on the 17th and 18th of June, 2021. The International Conferences take an interdisciplinary and international perspective migration, which is a central attribute of modern societies. Developments in the context of migration are traced and current challenges are…